Recently I started preparing as much food as I could on the weekends in an effort to combat this feeling of "screw it, I am not cooking, fend for yourselves husband and three year old!" Sunday was no different, so I got to cooking...
The Long Chicken: I got out the chicken, rinsed it off, rubbed some evoo and spices all over it and took a look in the fridge to see what I could shove inside it for flavor and wrap around the outside for a whole meal. It took about 1/2 hour to prepare all this, not so bad.
(Sorry, I had WAY too much fun with text boxes in photobucket this week!)
salt and pepper inside the cavity
a whole apple cut in quarters
a lemon quartered
half an onion chopped up
couple garlic cloves
evoo, sea salt and herbs de provence rubbed generously over the skin
finger potatoes quartered
chopped carrots
chopped lemon
a whole thing of garlic because you knows I loves gaaahlic. On anything.
A drizzle of evoo over the veggies
Put lid or tinfoil over it, bake in oven on 350 for 45 minutes. Take lid off and let brown. YOu can use a thermometer to make sure chicken is thoroughly cooked, but I chose to throw fate in the wind and took it out at an hour. It was juicy goodness, so we ate. And I smeared garlic on bread and the chicken. Then we put the rest of it in some tupperware and shoved it in the refridgerator for later.

Here is where it gets all tricky. I had dreams of roasting tomatillos and making chicken spinach enchiladas with tomatillo sauce. But I live in Oregon, and we are in month 1.5 of the 6 month rainy season, so there was no grilling anything on the bbq. Except maybe the every constant drizzle, or downpour, depending on the day.
Come Wednesday night the tomatillos were still in the fridge, I was all sweaty from the gym and tired and did. not. want. to. cook. Hence, The Short Chicken (aka - left overs). I literally dumped out all the chicken, potatoes, garlic, onion and carrots onto a platter, and heated it in the microwave. The broth was all apply and lemony and oniony and great poured over the chicken and veggies.
While my husband really liked the addition of the apple into the mix, this was a new venture, I am not too sure about it. It competed way too much with my friend Lemon.
And there you have it. Sure you could make chicken spinach tomatillo enchiladas and be all fancy, but who has the time when you are busting your lady humps at the gym every night!
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